Rabu, 23 September 2015

Review - Cara Gaul Kuasai Grammar inggris by Yusup Priyasudiarja

first, i want to tell about my experiences in learning english, so my review will give big points why am i so in love with this book.

i was struggling to study english for years, i had taken many courses before but the progress just too little. When i was in the third year of my high school life, i took a holiday course for a month at an english course in PU alley Bandar Lampung, but sadly i forget the name. it was kind of good english course, but i didn't continue to the regular class because i decided to take the regular one at Lia Lampung (at that time i took an english for adult class). My first class was second elementary, and i stayed till first Intermediate. but i had no great progress there, so i stoped (beside i was going to my university in Palembang). When i was in college, i took an english conversation class in Lia Palembang (all i knew about good english course just Lia). Just like before, my first class was second elementary, but didn't stay long untill the third one. my reasons were the place just too far from my dorm (Indralaya) and i didn't satisfied with the result. at that time i was still confuse how to comunicate in english, didn't know how to make a sentence in proper grammar etc.
 At my last year in university, a friend of mine who really good in english taught me for free (how kind she was, till now she's still my teacher in learning english :D). She was so patient in teaching me. she was good, she would explain anything slowly, and from her i got to know about making sentences with proper grammars. but i still couldn't find my own method, my progress was good with her than when i took the courses at Lia, but i wanted some more. I'm really bad in memorizing something, especially formulas. so i need something easier, simple, convenient, and have the excitement.

fortunately i found my good mate. A really good book for me! I finally found my method in learning english. yay!!
so what is the book all about that can grow my excitement? this book teaches me in the easiest way, learning by examples (I love how the writer explain to the reader how to use grammar in proper yet fun ways) i don't have to memorize the structures, the name etc. All i have to do just to know what situation that i want to talk about. i've captured a few pages:

We often memorize all the name of the formulas and the formulas itself, but still confuse whenever we want to make a conversation, what formula that we should use that match with the situation. i was in the same boat before, but with this book, i found the easiest way! little by little, now my english is getting better. when i'm going to ask my friend about grammars, i ask the examples and the situation instead of the formulas. so it trains me to make sentences easily. this kind of training makes me accustomed to english.

So, for you who an expert in memorizing all the formulas but still confuse whenever you want to make a conversation in your daily life, try to read this book. You might have the same method as me, just give it a try! :D

*the pictures are from my personal documents

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