Sabtu, 26 September 2015

No Review But the Meanings Behind - Swades, A Bollywood Movie That shook My Soul


People nowadays compete to get much money, powers and big names. The parents compete to get the best education for their kids, to build up their bright future. They sent their kids (litterally or not) to work at big cities or even another country, hoping that someday they will get a great job and return with a ton box full of money. People said the more money you can make, the more respect you get. they are right, the reason of the exsistence of education is to rise the level, the level of human being. but people misunderstand it, the level that they always talking about is supposed to be not your own level in your society, but the level of your own society, neighbourhood, and even your own country. What the meaning of being educated if it's only to get money for your own? what kind of respect you will get after being one?

Rabu, 23 September 2015

Review - Cara Gaul Kuasai Grammar inggris by Yusup Priyasudiarja

first, i want to tell about my experiences in learning english, so my review will give big points why am i so in love with this book.

i was struggling to study english for years, i had taken many courses before but the progress just too little. When i was in the third year of my high school life, i took a holiday course for a month at an english course in PU alley Bandar Lampung, but sadly i forget the name. it was kind of good english course, but i didn't continue to the regular class because i decided to take the regular one at Lia Lampung (at that time i took an english for adult class). My first class was second elementary, and i stayed till first Intermediate. but i had no great progress there, so i stoped (beside i was going to my university in Palembang). When i was in college, i took an english conversation class in Lia Palembang (all i knew about good english course just Lia). Just like before, my first class was second elementary, but didn't stay long untill the third one. my reasons were the place just too far from my dorm (Indralaya) and i didn't satisfied with the result. at that time i was still confuse how to comunicate in english, didn't know how to make a sentence in proper grammar etc.